Renovations are well underway at the FlightExec Centre!

staff and council looking at site map

Renovations are well underway at the FlightExec Centre!

Today, Mayor McMillan, Councillor Crockett, CAO Barrick, Senior Staff and the FlightExec Renovation Project Committee embarked on an exciting tour of our upcoming space with MCI Construction! Get ready for a transformation that will redefine community engagement and accessibility. This renovation project will expand our Seniors Centre, extend space for VON Middlesex-Elgin, and offer a larger auditorium space with new amenities. Bringing our community together like never before!

Are you eager to be part of this historic moment? The FlightExec Centre offers incredible sponsorship opportunities sun as room sponsorships, donor wall recognition and even building block recognition!

Your name, whether it's your business or family, can shine bright as a proud sponsor to this historic event! Make a lasting impact on our community.

To learn more:

Let's build a brighter future together!