Build an Emergency Kit - Be Prepared!

emergency kit

May 5 - May 11, 2024 is Emergency Preparedness Week in Canada!


This years theme is "Plan for every season!"

When disaster hits, you'll need some essential supplies to get through. Imagine being without power or tap water for days. Are you prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours? 

You might already have some basics like food, water, and a battery-operated or wind-up flashlight. But the key is to ensure they're well-organized and easily accessible. Can you find your flashlight in the dark? Make sure your emergency kit is easy to locate and carry, and that everyone in your household knows where it is.

Consider packing some supplies separately in backpacks for extra portability. This way, each person can have their own grab-and-go kit customized to their needs.

To learn more: