Emergency Management Program
In accordance with the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, the Municipality of Thames Centre is required to have an Emergency Management Program to protect public safety, public health, the environment, critical infrastructure and properties, and to promote economic stability and a disaster-resilient community.
The Municipality of Thames Centre's Emergency Management Program is in coordination with Middlesex County.
Thames Centre is required to conform to standards set out by Emergency Management Ontario in accordance with international best practices, including the four core components of emergency management, namely:
- Mitigation/Prevention
- Preparedness
- Response
- Recovery
Emergency Response Plan
In the event of an emergency, The Municipality of Thames Centre has prepared an Emergency Response Plan to assign responsibilities and guide the immediate actions of key officials in the first critical hours after the onset of an emergency in the municipality.
The aim of the plan is to make provision for the extraordinary arrangements and measures that may need to be taken in an emergency to safeguard property and
the health, safety, welfare, environment and economic health of the residents, businesses, and visitors of the Municipality of Thames Centre.
This plan has been revised and adopted through By-law No. 96-2015 passed on November 23, 2015, under the legal authority of the Emergency Management & Civil Protection Act R.S.O. 1990 Chapter E.9.
How You Can Prepare for an Emergency
Emergencies can happen at any time and without warning. Be ready. With a little preparation, you can respond quickly to help yourself and others. Understand the risks in your area, create a household emergency plan and build an emergency kit.
Please visit our Emergency Preparedness page for more information.
Middlesex County -
Emergency Management
Emergency Response Plan
Government of Ontario -