Garbage + Recycling collection is provided by Miller Waste Systems Inc.
2024 - 2025 Waste Reduction booklet
Garbage is collected weekly from April to October and bi-weekly from November to March.
Garbage Bag Tags
Garbage bag tags are required in the Municipality of Thames Centre. Property owners receive 45 bag tags annually in January, and if additional bag tags are required, they can be purchased as required for $2.50 each.
Learn more about Garbage Bag Tags
How to Place Your Garbage
- Please place your garbage bag (properly tagged), neatly on the edge of the curb before 7AM of your collection day.
- Garbage bag must be within the weight limit of 20kg (45lbs)
Missed Garbage Collection
Garbage is to be placed at the curbside by 7am on your regular collection day.
If you have garbage that was not collected, it could be for one of the following reasons:
- Missing Garbage Bag Tag
- Too heavy, must be under 20kg (45lbs)
- Wrong collection week
- Placed item on wrong side of street
If none of the above applies to you, please contact the Municipality to resolve the issue, 519-268-7334 ext 745 , or Miller Waste Systems Inc. at 519-668-0072.
Fall Yard Waste Curbside Collection
Yard Waste will be collected at curbside from November 4 to November 8 on your regular collection day.
- Please place weeds, trimmings, and leaves in a paper bag, plastic bags will NOT be collected
- Do not place dirt, rocks, tree stumps, flower pots / trays, and branches with a diameter greater than 4 inches
- Please ensure yard waste is set out by 7am on your regular collection day
Waste Diversion
Waste diversion is the practice of waste never getting to the landfill in the first place. Waste diversion is the best practice, as this helps reduce landfill costs by having less waste to process, as well as prevents garbage from entering the environment in the first place.
- While shopping, reconsider purchasing certain items if they have a large amount of packaging, or consider if the item even needs to be purchased at all
- Consider bringing your own reusable bag instead of using the disposable plastic / paper bags in store
- Bring your own reusable mug to the coffee shop instead of using a disposable paper cup
We can work together as a community to keep our waste production low and help keep Thames Centre clean!
Yard Waste Drop Off
Thames Centre residents can now take their residential yard waste free-of-charge, all year round to Try Recycling.
Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off
The Thames Centre Landfill is not licensed to receive or process Household Special Waste.
Residents can use the City of London's Household Special Waste Drop-off.
Oversized Waste Pickup
Oversized waste pickup is held annually at the beginning of May.
If your weekly garbage & recycling pickup day is… |
Then your Oversized Waste Collection MUST be set out by… |
Wednesday |
Monday, May 6 |
Friday |
Wednesday, May 8 |
Monday |
Monday, May 13 |
Tuesday |
Wednesday, May 15 |
Thursday |
Thursday, May 16 |
Learn more about Oversized Waste Pickup
Recycling is collected on a weekly basis all year round.
Missed Recycling Collection
If you have recycling that was not collected, it could be for one of the following reasons:
- Wrong collection week
- Non-recyclable item in the Blue Box
- Placed item on wrong side of street
- Recyclable items not separated into two streams
- Cardboard not broken down and bundled properly
If none of the above applies to you, please contact the Municipality to resolve the issue, 519-268-7490, or Miller Waste Systems Inc. at 519-668-0072.
How Recycling Works
Tour of London's Recycling Centre
- How Recycling Works - YouTube
- Your recycling is transported to the recycling facility, where it is sorted and categorized, it is then packaged into bundles, containing plastic, paper, aluminum, then transported to companies to reuse them into new products.
Missing or Damaged Blue Box
If you have a damaged blue box, please visit the Municipal Office, and bring the blue box with you. A replacement will be given at no charge.
We do not replace boxes free of charge should they go missing. Blue boxes can be purchased at the Municipal Office, for $12.50 / blue box.
Learn more about Missing or Damaged Blue Boxes
How to Sort Your Blue Box
The Municipality provides Blue Box recycling to single family residential homes.
Blue boxes are collected weekly throughout the year on your regular collection day.
Learn more about Blue Box Recycling
Charity Depots
Charity Depots will be returning in 2025.
So far, the Charity Deports have generated almost $47,000 for local charities!