In Thames Centre, community planning and/or land use planning means managing our land and resources through thoughtful management of growth and development while addressing important social, economic and environmental concerns. More specifically, the land use planning process balances the interests of individual property owners with the wider needs and objectives of the community's quality of life.
Planning Public Meeting Notices
Please note that the below are in progress of being updated to reflect current status of the application. Should you have any questions please reach out to one the contacts listed at the bottom of the webpage.
Proposed plan of Condominium 21829 Nissouri Road
- Consent Application
- Minor Variance Application
- Official Plan Amendment Application
- Site Plan Application
- Zoning By-law Amendment Application
Before you can submit any of the above applications, your signature must be witnessed by a Commissioner of Oaths. Please contact Sara Henshaw, Deputy Clerk at (519) 268-7334 ext. 239 or shenshaw@thamescentre.on.ca to make an appointment.
For more information on how the land use planning process works in Ontario, see the Citizen's Guides to Land-Use Planning on the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Website.
Engineering Design Standards
Cash in lieu of Parkland
Under Section 42 of the Planning Act, a municipality may require, as a condition of development, that land be conveyed to the municipality for park or other recreational purposes. Alternatively, Council may require a payment in lieu, to the value of the land otherwise required to be conveyed. All monies received shall be allocated in a special account (reserve fund), including interest, and be spent only for the acquisition of land to be used for park, or other recreational purposes, including the erection, improvement or repair of buildings and the acquisition of machinery for park or other recreational purposes.
Changes to the Planning Act came into effect July 1, 2016 as a result form the proclamation of the Smart Growth in Our Communities Act (Bill 73). One of those changes is to create clear reporting requirements for capital projects financed through Section 42 (parkland dedication) of the Planning Act. Annually, the Treasurer of the municipality is required to provide Council with a financial statement related to the cash in lieu of parkland reserve fund. Ontario Reg. 509/20 Community Benefits Charges and Parkland, outlines statement disclosure requirements as well as that this statement must be made available to the public.
Treasurer's statement of cash in lieu of parkland reserve fund
Development Charges
The purpose of development charges is to assist in providing the infrastructure required by future development in the municipality through the establishment of a viable capital funding source to meet the Municipality's financial requirements. Development charges fund growth-related costs such as roads, water, wastewater infrastructure, etc.
- 2025 Development Charges - County of Middlesex and Thames Centre Combined DC's
- Thames Centre Development Charges By-law
- Thames Centre Development Charges Pamphlet
- Removal of Mandatory Development Charge Phase-Ins (Effective on November 1st, 2024)
Community Improvement Plan (CIP)
The Thames Centre Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is aimed at fostering community development. The CIP directs funds and policies to specific areas to encourage revitalization and development. It provides financial incentives, such as grants and loans, to eligible landowners and tenants for property improvements. Unlike other municipal plans, the CIP focuses on stimulating economic growth and redevelopment, addressing local needs, and enhancing the built and social environment. The plan also includes strategies for implementation, marketing, and monitoring to ensure its effectiveness.
Thames Centre Community Improvement plan information page
Thames Centre Community Improvement Plan
Questions Regarding the CIP or Application?
Please contact:
Amanda Storrey
Interim Director of Planning and Development Services
Phone: 519-268-7334 extension 249
Email: astorrey@thamescentre.on.ca
Official Plan
The Municipality of Thames Centre Official Plan is administered by the Planning Department. The Official Plan is a policy document adopted by Council that identifies a vision for the long term land use of the Municipality. In addition to the Official Plan, Planning Services also prepare Secondary Plans, which plan for the development of specific areas within the Municipality.
Official Plan Review information.
Site Plan Control Area By-law
The Municipality of Thames Centre’s Site Plan Control Area By-law implements the Official Plan policies consistent with the Planning Act by designating the entire geographical limits of the Municipality as a site plan control area. The By-law also provides a detailed description of the process, site plan submission requirements including the posting of security and delegates the authority to approve plans, imposing conditions, and the approval of site plan agreements to the Director of Planning and Development Services
Zoning By-law
The Municipality of Thames Centre Comprehensive Zoning By-law is prepared under the direction of the Planning Department. This by-law implements the Official Plan policies and identifies permitted uses for each property within the Municipality along with restrictions and building specifications.
Additional Dwelling Units/Secondary Residential Units
In 2022, the Province of Ontario published the Housing Affordability Task Force Report which provided several recommendations to increase the supply of housing. One of the key recommendations encourages the development of Additional Residential Units (ARUs) as a housing option.
Public Interactive Mapping and Maps
- Middlesex Public County Mapping - Interactive Mapping
- Middlesex County Maps - Main Webpage
Miscellaneous Requests
Document Search Request:
E.g., property files, permit cards, septic plans, building plans, survey, reference or registered plan, etc.)
If you are the owner of the property:
- Complete a Document Search Request Form and email it to astorrey@thamescentre.on.ca.
- The request base fee is $5.00 and $7.50/15 minutes for record search/redaction if applicable.
- Once the form has been received, you will be provided with next steps/payment instructions.
- The timeline for this request is 2-5 business days.
If you are not the owner of the property:
Please reach out to shenshaw@thamescentre.on.ca to confirm whether a Freedom of Information Request if required.
Zoning Certificate
(E.g., Open Building Permits, Outstanding Work Orders, Servicing Information, Planning Application Status, etc.)
- Mail and fax a formal request letter to the municipal office.
- The fee is $200.00 per roll number) per request.
- If payment by cheque is unavailable, contact the municipal office for additional payment options.
- The timeline for this request is 2-5 business days.
Zoning Confirmation Letter
(E.g., Ontatio Motor Vehicle Industry Council (OMVIC), Propane Exchange)
- Mail and fax a formal request letter to the municipal office.
- The fee is $100.00 per property/roll number.
- If payment by cheque is unavailable, contact the municipal office for additional payment options.
- The timeline for this request is 2-5 business days.
Municipal Office Contact Information
- Address: 4305 Hamilton Road, Dorchester, Ontario, N0L 1G3
- Phone: 519-268-7334
- Fax: 519-268-3928
- Email: inquiries@thamescentre.on.ca