
Water and wastewater master plan update - november 2019

Flushing Flyer

Delivering drinking water is only the first half of the story. For customers not on septic systems, Thames Centre is also responsible for taking wastewater away, treating it, and for discharging it safely into the environment.


Connecting to municipal wastewater infrastructure - Frequently asked questions

1. Can any individual connect to their sanitary Private Drain Connection (PDC) as long as it is installed to Ontario Building Code Requirements and the Building Department’s satisfaction? ie. Is a certified plumber required?

All connections must go through the Permit Application process and all plumbing work shall be first completed by a certified plumber/ drain layer.


2. When a resident connects to the Sanitary Sewers, can the old septic be used as rain barrels?

When connecting to Municipal sanitary services the old septic system must be decommissioned (remove / destroy tank or fill with pea gravel, drill holes in the bottom). This is a requirement in the Permit Application process.


3. What is the advantage to connecting in the Voluntary Connection Period?

There is no financial advantage to connect during the Voluntary Connection Period. A Property may choose to connect during this period if a) they discover their septic system is failing, or b) they would like to decommission their weeping bed to allow for more land use at their lot (addition/pool/ shed/ patio etc.).


4. How does a property connect to Sanitary or Storm Sewers?

Connecting to the Sanitary or Storm Sewers must go through the Thames Centre Building Department. The online steps are provided below, if a Property Owner needs further clarification, please feel free to contact Amanda Storrey at astorrey@thamescentre.on.ca or at 519-268-7334 Ext. 249.


Annual Reports

Dorchester Annual 2023 Report

Thorndale Annual 2023 Report

Dorchester WWTP Operations 2023 Report

Thorndale WWTP Operations 2023 Report

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