The Building Services Division is here to assist you through the Building Permit process.
Building Permits are required to protect the health and safety of the public and building occupants. They ensure construction and projects are protected from structural failures, fire hazards, fall hazards, and other health and safety items. Permits are a permanent record of any work performed on a building and all inspections conducted to ensure that the building is constructed to the best standards. Thames Centre Building Services Division administers the Ontario Building Code Act and the Ontario Building Code Regulations to ensure the public's health and safety are always protected.
Are you ready to submit a permit? Please contact our team to ensure your application submission has the required documentation, forms, and information prior to submitting to avoid any delays in the review process. Contact information can be found at the bottom of this webpage.
An Application to Construct or Demolish found under the 'Applications/Forms' tab is a required form in addition to using the web form when submitting.
When choosing files to submit, please select ALL files and submit them by clicking 'Open'.
If you do not have access to a computer/digital plan you can utilize our drop-box located to the left of our front office doors at 4305 Hamilton Road, Dorchester, ON. Please submit in an enclosed envelope labeled 'Attention: Building Services'.
Once the application has been submitted through the Permits Portal, additional permit documentation can be emailed to building@thamescentre.on.ca; as well as any inquiries on permit status, inspection requests (see below inspections tab), and general building inquiries.
Please utilize the tabs below for further information:
Applications / Forms
- Application to Construct or Demolish – this form is the standard form for all construction projects within the municipality.
- Letter of Authorization – this form provides authorizes the agent to submit on behalf of the owner.
- Commitment to General Review by Architect and Engineers
- Schedule 1 – this is a form that is to be filled out by the designer of a project or a person who is providing design activities to a person.
- Schedule 2 – this form is required to be filled out and submitted for any septic system and is required to be filled out by a qualified person under the Ontario Building Code.
- Design Calculations For Class 2, 4, & 5 ON-SITE Sewage Systems
- Blank Site Plan- feel free to use this to draw and include a site plan with your application.
- EEDS Prescriptive – this form is the minimum standard for energy efficiency under the Ontario Building Code and is to be used for new houses, additions, and renovations when the prescriptive path approach under SB12 is being used.
- EEDS Performance – this form is the minimum standard for energy efficiency under the Ontario Building Code and is to be used for new houses, additions, and renovations when one of the three performance approaches is being used under SB12. (Energy Star, EnerGuide, or SB12 performance).
- SB10 Form A and SB10 Form B– these forms are required for energy efficiency requirements under SB10 of the Ontario Building Code for nonresidential projects.
- Ontario Building Code Matrix – this form is to be used for all ICI (Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional) construction and is to be completed by a qualified person under the Ontario Building Code.
- Sign Permit
Additional Links:
Miscellaneous Requests
Planning and Development Services Document Search Request:
(E.g., property files, permit cards, septic plans, building plans, survey, reference or registered plan, etc.)
If you are the owner of the property:
- Complete a Planning and Development Services Document Search Request Form and email it to astorrey@thamescentre.on.ca.
- The request base fee is $5.00 and $7.50/15 minutes for record search/redaction if applicable.
- Once the form has been received, you will be provided with next steps/payment instructions.
- The timeline for this request is 2-5 business days.
If you are not the owner of the property:
Please reach out to clerk@thamescentre.on.ca to confirm whether a Freedom of Information (FOI) Request is required.
Zoning Certificate
(E.g., Open Building Permits, Outstanding Work Orders, Servicing Information, Planning Application Status, etc.)
- Mail and fax a formal request letter to the municipal office.
- The fee is $200.00 per property (roll number) or $250.00 for a rush request per property.
- If payment by cheque is unavailable, contact the municipal office for additional payment options.
- The timeline for this request is 2-5 business days.
Zoning Confirmation Letter
(E.g., Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council (OMVIC), Propane Exchange)
- Mail and fax a formal request letter to the municipal office.
- The fee is $100.00 per property (roll number).
- If payment by cheque is unavailable, contact the municipal office for additional payment options.
- The timeline for this request is 2-5 business days.
Municipal Office Contact Information
- Address: 4305 Hamilton Road, Dorchester, Ontario, N0L 1G3
- Phone: 519-268-7334
- Fax: 519-268-3928
- Email: inquiries@thamescentre.on.ca
Building Permit Fees
The Building Code Act requires that permit fees not exceed the anticipated reasonable cost to administer and enforce the Building Code during construction. This ensures the building division operates efficiently and on a cost-recovery basis that does not rely on property taxes for its operation. All costs and expenses, including staff, for plans review and inspections, are obtained through the building permit fees and administration fees charged for services provided.
Development Charges
- The purpose of development charges is to assist in providing the infrastructure required by future development in the municipality through the establishment of a viable capital funding source to meet the Municipality's financial requirements.
- Development charges fund growth-related costs such as roads, water, wastewater infrastructure, etc.
Thames Centre Development Charges (DC):
- 2025 Development Charges - County of Middlesex and Thames Centre Combined DC's
- Thames Centre Development Charges By-law
- Thames Centre Development Charges Pamphlet
- Removal of Mandatory Development Charge Phase-Ins (Effective on November 1st, 2024)
County of Middlesex Development Charges:
- Local Municipalities collect on behalf of the County of Middlesex
- County of Middlesex Development Charges (In effect as of January 2025)
- County of Middlesex Development Charges Brochure
- County of Middlesex Development Charges By-law
Please click here for the Treasurer's Annual Statement of Development Charges Reserve Funds for 2023.
Please click here for the Treasurer's Annual Statement of Development Charges Reserve Funds for 2022.
Review Process
The purpose of the Ontario Building Code is to protect the health and safety of the public and the occupants of a building. Each and every submission for a building permit is required to be reviewed by the Building Services division to ensure compliance prior to construction starting and to permit the work under the Ontario Building Code Act and its regulations.
Reviews of all submissions are completed in a timely manner; however, each submission does require a different review process. This involves a review of all applicable laws, including Zoning by-laws, Conservation Authority regulations, other Municipal by-laws, Source Water Protection requirements, and other various acts and regulations within the province of Ontario. The type of project can result in different timelines; however, the Ontario Building Code does regulate maximum timeframes for complete submissions and complete applications. See the Thames Centre Permit Timelines
Once approval is granted, a permit will be issued for the appropriate work. It then becomes the permit holder and the owner's responsibility to ensure that work continues as per the approved submission and that all inspections are conducted as listed and required on the permit.
Inspections are a mandatory item that is required to ensure that the Ontario Building Code, and other applicable laws, include municipal bylaws, are followed, and construction/work is done safely and correctly. In order to ensure the permit is completed and closed, all precribed inspections need to be scheduled through our municipal office and passed by a building inspector.
Prescribed inspections are listed on your building permit under the ‘Stages of Construction Requiring Notice’. These inspections are required to be conducted by the Municipality of Thames Centre Building Department and notice is required to be given to the Building Department prior to each inspection as prescribed by Div.C. of the Ontario Building Code.
Scheduling Inspections:
When scheduling an inspection please email building@thamescentre.on.ca, if you do not have access to email, call Tammy Butt at (519) 268-7334 extension 227 with the below required booking information:
- Permit Number
- Municipal Address and Lot Number if applicable.
- Stage(s) of Construction
- Date of Inspection
- Preferred timeslot:
- Morning (9 am - 12 pm) or Afternoon (12 pm - 4 pm)
A minimum of 24 to 48 hours notice prior to readniess is required and the schedule is complete at 3:30 pm each day for the following day. Cancellations are not accepted the day of and will result as fail/a re-inspection should proper notice of 24-48 hours not be provided.
Should you require any further assistance, you can contact the Building Division.
Useful Links
- Building By-law
- Fence By-law / Pool Fence By-law
- Property Standards By-law
- Zoning By-law
- Signage By-law
- Public Mapping
- Please confirm with our department prior to utilizing information.
Why Do I Need a Permit for my Property?
Permits are required to not only protect yourself and other normal users of the space but to protect the public that may enter a space or protect future owners and users of the space or building. If a person does work or makes changes to any space, or building without a permit that person, company, or owner may become liable for any future problems or issues that may arise. The process of obtaining a permit is to protect the health and safety of the public for the duration of the building’s life.
Projects that Require a Building Permit
The list is not limited to what is shown below:
Note: please confirm with our department on permit requirements and that the proposed construction complies with applicable law.
- Detached garage or accessory structure 108 square feet or greater and/or more than 1 storey (measured to the outside face of exterior walls).
- Plumbing fixtures added or relocated
- Attached garage, carport, shed, or other roof structure of any size
- Storage sheds greater than 161 square feet
- Decks greater than 24 inches above grade
- Finishing the basement of a house or adding a bedroom to the basement
- Additions to a building
- Enclosures for swimming pools with a depth of 24 inches or greater (including temporary or inflatable)
- Creating a duplex/additional dwelling/apartment (a.k.a. in-law suite, accessory apartment, granny flat)
- Removing a load-bearing wall, column, lintel, or beam
- Re-insulating walls, ceilings, or floors
- Woodstove or wood-burning fireplace
- Installing a new window or door when increasing the width of the existing opening
- Retaining wall that is greater than three feet and three inches in height, pending location
- Solar Panels that are mounted to a building
- Site servicing (water/sewer/storm lines, septic system) for all building types
- New residential dwellings
- Demolition of a structure greater than 108 square feet in building area, except for farm buildings
- Tent or group of tents that is, more than 60 square metres (646 square feet) in aggregate ground area, attached to a building, or constructed within three metres (nine feet and 10 inches) of any structure
- Industrial, commercial, institutional, and multi-residential construction or alterations or changes of use
- Backflow prevention device for lawn irrigation systems connected to potable water
- Farm buildings including barns, bins, bunker silos, silos, sheds, scale house, etc.
- Contact the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) for electrical permit information.
Projects that Do Not Require a Building Permit
This list provides examples, and is not exhaustive. Projects are not limited to what is shown below.
Note: please confirm with our department on permit requirements and that the proposed construction complies with applicable law.
- Storage sheds less than 161 square feet measured from the outside face of walls (that does not contain plumbing)
- Gas fireplace
- Boundary fence (must comply with zoning regulations)
- Water softener installations
- Painting, wallpapering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, countertops, and similar finish work
- Door and window replacements (within the existing opening, where no structural members are changed, or has no fire-resistance rating)
- Installing new shingles on an existing roof
- Replacing a plumbing fixture (i.e. toilet, bathtub, or sink) with a new fixture in the same location
Private Swimming Pools
Building permits are required for swimming pools that are capable of holding equal to or greater than 23” of water.
Documentation Required:
Letter of Authorization - If applicant is not the owner.
In-ground Pools - Revised lot grading plan stamped by an Ontario Land Surveyor or Engineer (if in a residential area), to ensure that the grading of the yard does not adversely affect the neighbors' yard.
Above-ground Pools - Site plan showing pool location in the yard with setbacks to property lines and septic system
Pool equipment to be shown on the site plan with setbacks to property lines
Fence or barrier as described in the Fence By-law.