Municipal Clerks Week Continues With Spotlight On The Incredible Sara Henshaw!

sara henshaw

Municipal Clerks Week Continues With Spotlight On The Incredible Sara Henshaw!


This week we're celebrating our remarkable Municipal Clerk Jana Nethercott and Deputy Clerk Sara Henshaw for their invaluable service to our community. They're the heartbeat of local government, ensuring everything runs smoothly!

Q1: What brought you into this career?

A: I’m drawn to how much goes on in the Clerk’s department. We wear multiple hats in many different situations. I learn something new every day.

Q2: What do you find most fulfilling about supporting both council staff and the public in your role?

A: My biggest mentor always reiterated the importance of transparency in local government. I greatly respect this role, and find it fulfilling knowing that we carry out our duties to the public, Council and staff with the highest degree of integrity. We take our trusted position very seriously.

Q3: Share a fascinating tidbit about your duties that people might not be aware of?

A. Did you know Thames Centre now offers Civil Marriage Solemnization services? Contact the Clerk’s department for more information!

Funny Clerk Quote:

"Its work is not spectacular, but it demands versatility, alertness, accuracy, and no end of patience."

This week we celebrate Municipal Clerks! Thank you Sara Henshaw for all that you do!!!