
The Dorchester Union Cemetery has options for placing cremated human remains into a niche compartment, which is part of a columbarium structure. Currently these options are in the North Cremation Garden located in the northwest corridor of the cemetery.

  • A Columbarium is an above ground unit providing an alternative from cremation burials, in the form of Niche compartments
  • Each Columbarium consists of 72 Niches
  • The Niches are either 12" x 12" x 12" or 12" x 12" x 14" depending on the structure
  • Each Niche is designed for two individuals, whether you plan for two urns or a companion urn
  • There are different levels of Niches ranging in price, listed in the 2025 Dorchester Union Cemetery Price List
  • A bronze plaque is required to be purchased at the same time as the Interment Rights purchase

Nothing is to be attached to the niche plaque and flowers are not permitted to be placed in front of the columbarium structures except during the time of a service.

The Rules and Regulations for the Columbarium can be found in the Cemetery Regulations By-law 

Cemetery Columbarium