Community Partnership Grants

Cheque Presentation
2024: A $10,000 grant was awarded to the West Nissouri Seniors Complex to help renovate affordable housing units for seniors.

Community Partnership Grants

Community Partnership Grants (or Community Grants) are grants awarded to groups which undertake projects that benefit the community.

Community Grants of up to $10,000 are available for school groups, associations, non-profits, and other community groups for specific projects that provide a benefit to the community.

Application forms are available here: 2025 Community Grant - Application Form. Applications are due on February 10, 2025, by 4:00pm. Exemptions can be granted at the discretion of Council.

Applications must be submitted via email to or a hard copy dropped off in person at the the Municipal Office

Preference will be given to applications which meet one or more priorities set out in the Thames Centre Strategic Plan. In addition, applications should demonstrate community support, efficient use of resources and sound business practices.

To be eligible, applicants must provide products/services to the residents of Thames Centre. There is a limit of one application per organization. Each application must demonstrate that this grant is not the primary source of funding for the project and that financial assistance is needed as other sources lack adequate funding

The applicant organization must spend the grant funding on the sole purpose for which it was awarded within the fiscal year for which it is awarded, and report to the Municipality of how funds were used. Applicants will be deemed ineligible from future grants if they fail to provide written confirmation of how and where the grant funds awarded in previous years were expended.

Applications for “in kind” non-financial assistance will be forwarded to the respective department for review with a report to Council for consideration and approval.