Water Treatment Scam
The Municipality of Thames Centre would like to remind residents that the Municipality does not sell or endorse water filters or treatment equipment. The Municipality has recently been contacted by concerned residents inquiring about phone calls from salespeople who want access to their home to test the water or inspect the water service, as well as asking the age of the resident. The caller also states they are affiliated with the municipality. The phone number used to make these calls is a private number that has been illegally used without the permission of the user. In the past, salespersons have gone door-to-door making similar claims.
If someone calls you or shows up at your door, remember the following to protect yourself from scams:
- Did you request this call or visit? Municipal staff will not visit without sending an official letter or municipal door hanger to schedule an appointment.
- Never give out your personal information.
- Call the Municipality at 519.268.7334 Ext 745 to confirm that the phone call or visit is legitimate.
- If you receive a phone call, don’t feel pressured to agree to a home visit.
- If someone comes to your door, don’t feel pressured to sign contracts on the spot, or to let anyone into your home.
- If they come to your door, ask for identification. All Municipal employees and authorized contractors carry photo identification and drive municipal vehicles clearly identified with a Thames Centre logo.
The Municipality of Thames Centre provides safe drinking water to residents in Dorchester and Thorndale through the municipal water supply systems, meeting Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards. The quality and safety of the drinking water at both systems is confirmed at an accredited laboratory, which is licensed by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Climate, and Parks – a requirement of the Ontario Drinking Water Regulations.
Information on water quality testing is available by contacting the Environmental Services Department at 519.268.7334 Ext 745 and from our Annual Water Quality Reports, available online at https://www.thamescentre.on.ca/services/residents/water-services
Kevin Willson
Environmental Services Superintendent
Municipality of Thames Centre | kwillson@thamescentre.on.ca
4305 Hamilton Road, | Dorchester, Ontario, N0L 1G3
Tel: 519.268.7334 Ext 745 | Fax: 519.268.3928