Spring Flushing Program Begins Thames Centre!

hydrant close up

Spring Flushing Program Begins

The Thames Centre Water Department is conducting the Spring Flushing Program from Monday, May 13th to Friday, May 17th. The flushing will take place between the hours of 8am and 4pm.

Click here to see the section we're completing today: https://www.thamescentre.on.ca/hydrant-flushing-program

Why Flushing?
Fire hydrant flushing is done to remove any sediment or inactive water from the distribution system and to test fire hydrant operation. These steps are being taken to improve the overall water quality within the distribution system and to ensure the delivery of the highest quality water possible.

Flushing Tips!

  • Switch water softeners to "bi-pass" mode.
  • Avoid laundry during flushing times; discolored water may stain clothes.
  • After flushing, run a cold water tap for 2-3 minutes to clear any discoloration. If issues persist, repeat after 1 hour.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated as we work together to keep our community's water supply clean, safe, and reliable!

#WaterQuality #ThamesCentre #SpringFlushingProgram