Thames Centre Honoured with Distinguished Budget Presentation Award 2024

text with award

For Immediate Release

June 17, 2024


Thames Centre Honoured with Distinguished Budget Presentation Award 2024



Thames Centre - July 17, 2024 - The Municipality of Thames Centre has, for the first time, received a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) for its 2024 Budget. The Distinguished Budget Presentation Award is the highest award in governmental budgeting in North America.

The Municipality of Thames Centre is proud to participate in the GFOA’s Budget Awards Program and to achieve this recognition, Thames Centre budget needed to satisfy four requirements:

  • ​a policy document,
  • a financial plan,
  • an operations guide, and
  • a communications tool. 

Thames Centre budget was also measured against criteria including clear strategic goals and transparent explanations of funding and accounting practices. 

This award represents a significant achievement for the Municipality of Thames Centre, reflecting its commitment to meeting the highest principles of transparency in government budgeting.

The 2024 Budget supports the needs of a growing population while making record contributions to reserves and priority investments in infrastructure, transportation, and recreational amenities.

To view Thames Centre 2024 Budget, please visit:


About the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

The GFOA established the Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program in 1984 to encourage the preparation of budget documents that reflect best practices and to recognize governments that achieve that goal. Governments, including states, cities, counties, special districts, school districts and more have been recognized for transparency in budgeting.



"We are proud to be recognized by the Government Finance Officers Association, showcasing Thames Centre’s leadership in municipal budgeting. This award underscores our dedication to strategic planning and accountable financial practices, ensuring that our budget not only serves as a policy document and financial plan but also as an operations guide and communication tool. The 2024 Budget reflects our Municipality’s unwavering commitment to meeting the needs of our community while being fiscally responsible and fully transparent. Achieving this predominantly without a Treasurer last Fall highlights the exceptional hard work and dedication of our team. I want to thank everyone involved for their tremendous efforts in making this possible." – Sharron McMillan, Mayor, Municipality of Thames Centre

“I want to congratulate everyone involved in putting together the 2024 Budget. Receiving the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the first time, reflects Council and staff commitment to delivering a strong, transparent budget that supports the growth of Thames Centre and its incredible residents. This award affirms staff’s dedication and the Municipality’s commitment to uphold the highest standards of financial stewardship, transparency and accountability in governance.” – ​David Barrick, Chief Administrative Officer, Municipality of Thames Centre


Media Contact
Shannon Zylstra, Communications Coordinator