NEW - Online Credit Card Payment
As of January 9, 2023, The Municipality of Thames Centre is now accepting online credit card payments for Property Tax, Utility, Accounts Receivable(Miscellaneous), Building Permit Payment and Tax Certificate's.
Payment types accepted:
- American Express credit card
- Mastercard credit card
- Visa credit card
What you need to have ready:
- The Roll Number (Property), Customer Number (Utility and Miscellaneous), Building Permit Number (Building), or File Number (Tax Certificate)
- The balance owing
- Your credit card
When paying:
- You will be asked to enter the payment information including your account number, your credit card details and payment amount.
- You will be asked to confirm to pay a convenience fee.
- You will be provided with a confirmation number if the transaction is successful.
MAKE A PAYMENT VIA PAYMENTUS ONLINE or by Telephone 1-647-598-9847
For technical help making payments via credit card, please contact the Paymentus Call Centre at 1-800-420-1663.
Disclaimer: Please be advised the balance provided may not be current. It may take up to 5 business days to reflect transactions on your account. To request current account balances, please contact 519-268-7334. The Municipality of Thames Centre accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, or legality of the financial information provided. Failure to pay the current balance on your account may result in penalties or interest.
The Municipality of Thames Centre online payment system is built and managed by a 3rd party payment vendor, Paymentus. A convenience fee of 2.5% is charged by Paymentus and is added to each online transaction. The fee covers payment handling and processing charges. Thames Centre receives no additional revenue from the convenience fee. The maximum amount per payment is $10,000.
Pre-Authorized Payment Plan
- 10 monthly withdrawals or
- 4 installment date withdrawals
- Pre-authorized Payment Request
- Pre-authorized Cancellation Request
- Pre-authorized Notice of Option Change Request
Online/Mobile Banking App or Telephone or ATM
If you would like to pay this bill directly from your bank account please below:
Add a Payee
3 Payee options are:
- Thames Centre Property Tax
- Use the 19 digit roll # as the account number -
Thames Centre Utility (Water bills)
- Use the customer number (not the invoice number) on your water invoice for the account number -
Thames Centre Fees & Services (Other invoices or Permits)
- Use the customer number on your invoice for the account number
- OR use your permit number or reference number provided by an employee
- ie 20230001
Please allow 3-5 business days for processing. Payment will be applied to the account on the date of payment.
Municipal Office
- Payments are accepted by cash, debit or cheque
- A mail slot is located to the left of the front door for after business hours
In Person at Financial Institution
- During institution's regular business hours
- A receipt will only be provided if requested and the entire tax bill is enclosed with and a self-addressed stamped envelope
Mortgage Company
- If taxes are to be paid by a mortgage company, the bill should be forwarded immediately to the appropriate mortgage company
- Please make all cheques payable to The Municipality of Thames Centre
- A fee of $35.00 will be applied to your account for any cheque returned by your bank