Proposed Plan of Condominium - Elliott Condos - 21829 Nissouri Road

This file is being brought back to Council for consideration on Monday, February 10th, 2025.


The Municipality has received a proposal to develop the subject lands into a residential condominium with respect to the following: 

  • 91 townhouse units to be serviced by municipal water and sanitary sewers
  • a private road network with one entrance off Nissouri Road (County Road 27)
  • One Block for a stormwater management facility

The lands are also subject to an Application for Zoning By-law Amendment (Z34-23) to allow the development of the lands.


Please see the attached files for information regarding the Revised Plan of Subdivision.



Notice of Council Conderation

Notice of Open House


Proposed Draft Plan - December 2023 

Planning Justification Report

Draft Functional Servicing Report

Geotechnical & Hydrogeological Investigation Report

Noise Feasibility Study

Archeological Stage 1-2

Archeological Submission Letter

Approval Form D