Request for Proposal - Lease of Space at the FlightExec Centre

Request for Proposal - Lease of Space at the FlightExec Centre

The Municipality of Thames Centre is accepting applications whereby three spaces/rooms at the FlightExec Centre may be leased to third parties. This opportunity is made possible upon completion of the current renovations/expansion taking place to other parts of this facility. 

The three rooms/spaces that may become available for a third party to lease are:

  • the former co-operative nursery space
  • the second-floor meeting room formerly used by local Lions and Kinsmen clubs
  • the second-floor Creative Art Studio

Full details for each of these spaces are available, further below.

Interested individuals, groups/clubs/associations and businesses are encouraged to submit a proposal (following the guidelines of this RFP) to explain your proposed use for one of these spaces.

The intention is to enter into a lease agreement with any selected Proponent(s), awarding a lease to each successful Proponent within 2 months of the submission deadline for this RFP, with the earliest possession date for any of these spaces likely to come between August and October 2024. 

The Municipality reserves the right to accept and/or refuse any or all proposals. There is no guarantee that any of the proposals will be accepted, which could then result in a new process to consider additional proposals and/or the Municipality deciding to retain one of more of these spaces for other uses. As a result, there is no guarantee that any or all of these three spaces will be awarded to any of the Proponents.  


  • March 4 at 8am: Site Visit (change to tour all three spaces)
  • March 13: Deadline to register as a potential bidder on this RFP
  • March 18 at 2pm: Deadline to submit Proposals

Lease Terms

Municipal Responsibilities

  • Initial agreement will be for one year, providing the opportunity for any changes and adjustments to the agreement before considering a longer term extension.
  • Provision/payment of the following utilities: electricity, gas & water.
  • Maintenance/repairs to the outer walls and roof, exterior windows, exterior doors, plumbing, HVAC and electrical. This does not include interior windows & walls, ceiling, flooring.
  • The Municipality has the right to terminate a lease agreement, for any reason, with 60-days notice, with the leaser responsible to cover all costs in order to leave the space in the condition they found it, with any/all furniture, equipment and/or appliances included in the agreement left in satisfactory working condition.

Renter Responsibilities

  • The rental payment rates will be reviewed/adjusted on an annual basis, as of January 1.
  • First month rent will be required in advance, at time of entering into agreement.
  • Any/all furniture and equipment that is not included.
  • Moving into the rental space (and potentially out of this space in the future).
  • Regular cleaning and keeping the space tidy and presentable.
  • All related internet service and internet costs.
  • Insurance requirements (see 2.12, below, for more details)
  • All costs related to any renovations or upgrades to the space, with such work subject to approval from the Municipality in advance. The Municipality has the right to reject any renovation requests. If your Proposal is contingent on any renovations then such details should be included in your submission.
  • Any required permits (to operate the business, for approved renovations, etc.).
  • “Equipment Conditions” within the agreement will include that the renter, upon end of lease agreement, will be responsible to have any/all furniture, equipment and/or appliances that were included in the agreement to be in satisfactory working condition or replaced with similar quality items (to be pre-approved by Municipality) that are comparable and in good working condition. Likewise, during the lease agreement, the renter will be responsible for any repairs or replacement of any of these items.
  • Allowing Municipal staff to enter the space at any time, as required, to deal with maintenance, etc. The Municipality will provide notice, whenever possible.
  • Must ensure the space is locked and secure at all times when not in use.
  • Not to permit the use of any portable signage, of any kind, on the site without the express written permission of the Municipality, with applicable by-laws applying.
  • Not permitted to lease or sublet this space without the advanced express written consent of the Municipality.
  • Space is only available for use and access during the scheduled operating hours of the FlightExec Centre.

Additional Information

Please see the below attachment for full details on this RFP and how to properly submit your proposal.