Fences and Livestock Valuer


Thames Centre has a Division Fence Cost Apportionment By-law.  This by-law allows for boundary fence disputes to be handled between landowners as a civil matter, without utilizing municipal resources, therefore eliminating the need to maintain Fence Viewer Appointments.

Related Links

Line Fences Act

Livestock Valuer

The Protection of Livestock and Poultry from Dogs Act requires the Council of every local municipality to appoint one or more Livestock Valuers. The Council has appointed three (3) Livestock Valuers to investigate livestock claims. The Municipality is responsible for claims wherein the livestock or poultry has been killed or injured by a dog or a wolf. The Livestock Valuer investigates the claims and determines the amount to be paid to the owner of the injured/killed livestock.

The following is the contact information for the Municipality's Livestock Valuers: 

Ken Empey                 cell: 519-280-2615
Karl Empey                 cell: 519-868-6578 
Cheryl McLachlan       cell: 519-860-4806


Protection of Livestock and Poultry from Dogs Act

Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program


For Questions Contact: