What is a Special Occasion Permit (SOP) and how do I apply?
Special Occasion Permits (SOP) are for the sale and/or service of beverage alcohol at special occasions such as weddings, receptions, public events, etc. An SOP is needed anytime alcohol is offered for sale or served anywhere other than in a licensed establishment or a private place. A private place is an indoor area not usually open to the public and not open to the public during the event (for example, a private office or a residence). Special Occasion Permits are issued exclusively online via the Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario website at the following link: iAGCO.
Once on the iAGCO page, you will need to create a new account in order to apply for a permit. Once completed, access your account and click on the "Apply for a Special Occasion Permit" link from the NEW APPLICATIONS main menu, then follow the prompts to completion and payment.
For more information, please visit AGCO's website.
Another great resource is the LCBO's Customer Care page.
Types of Special Occasion Permits
Private Events are limited to invited guests only and may not be publicly advertised. The public cannot be admitted and there can be no intent to gain or profit from the sale of alcohol at the event.
Public Events are open to the public. These events can be advertised and fundraising and/or profit from the sale of alcohol at the event is permitted. You may be required to submit an application to the Municipality of Thames Centre to declare your event as "Municipally Significant". For more information, please visit our page on Municipally Significant Event Requests.
Other types of Special Occasion Permits include Liquor Industry Promotional Events and Tailgate Events.
Submitting Written Notice of Your Event
As part of your SOP application for your event, AGCO requires applicants to provide written notice of your event to the local Municipal Clerk's Department and Fire Department. You must provide written notice 30 days before an event where less than 5,000 people are expected to attend (more than 5,000 people require 60-days' notice).
If a tent, marquee, pavilion, tiered seating and/or road signs will be used, written notice of the event must also be provided to the building department.
You are also required to provide separate written notice of the event to the local Police and Health departments, which are separate organizations from the Municipality of Thames Centre.
Please use the attached form below to submit your written notice to the Municipality. You can mail it to the Municipal Office, drop it off in person, or email it to clerk@thamescentre.on.ca and fireadmin@thamescentre.on.ca (and building@thamescentre.on.ca, if applicable)