Hot Mix Asphalt Project
The Municipality of Thames Centre will be conducting its annual road re-paving and concrete repair work this summer/fall. Our roads are nearing the end of their lifecycle and require this maintenance to ensure continued safety and functionality.
Work Schedule and Locations
J-AAR will be on site to start work on the following streets as part of our summer Road Resurfacing:
- Melvin Drive
- Eric Drive
- Elizabeth Drive
- Queen Street
- Ann Street
- Elizabeth Street
- Minnie Street Railroad Crossing
- Sherwood Crescent
- Sherwood Place
- Huntington Crescent
- Mitchell Avenue
- Mitchell Court
- Scarlett Circle
- Chittick Crescent from Byron Ave. South
- Carleton Court and the Parkway
- Pondview Court
- Village Gate Drive
- Village Gate Crescent
- Neely Court
- Wright Street
- Couch Road
The project will commence with concrete works, followed by the milling of existing asphalt, and then re-paving. If sidewalks are present at your location, sidewalk repairs and curb replacements will occur simultaneously.
Project Scope
Concrete Repairs
- Replacement of deficient concrete curb sections
- Catch Basin lid replacements
- Restoration of boulevards or driveway aprons (where necessary)
Road Resurfacing
- Milling of existing asphalt
- Repairing any soft spots in the granular base (if applicable)
- Replacement of existing maintenance hole lids
- Layering new asphalt surface
Impact on Residents
Road Access/Driveway Access and Parking
During the construction period, access will be maintained as much as possible. Access to your driveway may be limited if a section of the curb/ or sidewalk is being replaced in front of it. To give the new concrete a chance to properly cure, we request residents refrain from driving over the new sections of concrete for 3-5 days. While crews are on site, we kindly request you to avoid parking on the road during work hours (7 am–7 pm).
Noise and Dust
Please be aware that there will be some noise and dust associated with the construction activities. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to complete these improvements efficiently.
Garbage and Recycling Collection
There will be no disruptions to Garbage & Recycling Collection. Please continue to follow your regular schedule.
Map Locations

Jake McKillop, Transportation Superintendent
Tel: 519.268.7334 ext. 251