payment options
Paperless Billing
- Receiving your bill(s) by email allows customers to receive bills immediately and easily file these important documents electronically for future reference.
- Would you like to receive your Property Tax and Water Bills by email vs. regular mail?
- Complete the Emailing Billing Sign-Up Form or find it available in PDF.
Late Payments
- Late payment charges are at a fixed rate of 1.25% per month and will accrue on unpaid balances commencing on the first day of default and every 30 days thereafter.
- Failure to receive a property tax bill does not excuse one from the responsibility of payment of taxes nor relieve one from the liability of penalty of late payments.
Property Tax Billing and Payment
Property Tax - Billing Information
- Tax Bills are mailed February and August of each calendar year
- Failure to receive a property tax bill does not excuse one from the responsibility of payment of taxes nor relieve one from the liability of penalty of late payments.
Property Tax - Due Dates
Property tax due dates can be found on the Property Taxes page.
Property Tax - Moving
- There is no need to contact us if you are moving, unless you require a tax bill. The tax account (roll number) stays with the property
Please contact your lawyer for any tax adjustments between owners
Moving to a new-construction home? Remember to plan for a future Supplementary Tax Bill in your budget
New to Thames Centre? Welcome home! Please take a minute to visit our new residents page
Water & Wastewater Billing and Payment
Water and Wastewater - Billing Information
- Residents receive Water Bills through regular mail unless requested to receive paperless billing via email
- Water Bills are mailed on a bi-monthly basis
- Failure to receive a water bill does not excuse one from the responsibility of payment of taxes nor relieve one from the liability of penalty of late payments.
Water and Wastewater - Billing - Administrative Fee
This fee represents the administration fee for establishing a new water account.
Water and Wastewater - Billing - Fire Protection Fee
This charge is to recover the water system fire protection costs from properties benefiting from the service but not yet connected to the water system.
Water and Wastewater - Billing - Water Life Cycle Charge
This permanent bi-monthly fee, effective January 1, 2013, is a fixed water works charge to pay for the renewal and replacement of Thames Centre Water Systems.
Water and Wastewater - Moving
- Please advise the water department of any change in name or address
- Allow for 48 hours advance notice when requesting your final meter reading
- You are responsible for all charges incurred while the account is in your name
- There is a $20 set-up fee for new water accounts
Dog Licensing and Payment
Dog Licensing Information
All dogs living in Thames Centre MUST have a valid dog tag
As of January 2022, dog tags will be issued for the lifetime of your dog at no charge to you
Already have a tag? Your dog is good to go!
- Need a tag? Call or visit the municipal office
- If you lose or damage a tag, and require a replacement tag, there is a replacement fee of $10 per tag.
Dog Kennel License Fee
Dog Tag License Fee | No Charge |
Kennel License Fee | $150.00 |