The parking lot expansion for the Outdoor Recreation Complex at 3245 Hamilton Road, Dorchester is approximately 50% complete and it is estimated that the balance will be completed by May 12th.
During the period from May 2, 2023 to June 30, 2023 the Municipal Road Department of the County of Middllesex will be spraying pesticides on rural county roadsides in all of or portions of the following municipalities: Municipality of North Middlesex Municipality of Middles
Welcome to The Municipality of Thames Centre's second issue of our new service - quarterly newsletters! An excellent tool for communicating vital
and timely news and updates and other significant information from all of our departments, directly to our community, all in one release.
Phase 2 of this project will include a reconstruction of the roads, implementation of curbs and sidewalks, replacement of the watermain, and replacement/upgraded storm sewers.